Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tribe: The Himbas of Angola

Most women are beautiful and spend 2 to 3 hours for beauty care every morning.
Villages are often enclosed with a circular fence for night protection of cattle.
Women cover their body with a mixture of ocre powder( hematite) and butter fat which gives them a reddish shine.
They don't use water but burn the aromatic resin of the Omuzumba bush to smell beautiful and clean
Married women have a leather headdress and braids tied up in goat leather sleeves.

Breast feeding is the way to feed babies.

The mother is not the only one to take care of her baby
Huts are made of a mixture of cowdung and mud plastered over a wooden frame.
Young girls wear braids leaning forward....
Young boys have one braid leaning backward
The anklets are to protect against venenous herbs or bites.....

Her son is very sociable

This grand father with his pipe stuck in his loin cloth...
has a son with the grand son in his arms and a big smile because.....
his second wife has given him a new born baby


Epupa Falls a sacred place for Himbas

Young Himba girl with the cattle

Our last viewing ...


  1. tres bellles tes photos.


  2. En effet, pas mal du tout. Tu cherches a rivaliser avec Leni?


  3. magnifiques photos Jacques et surtout de beaux et tendres portraits humains !!!
    C'est Kim au fait, j'écris sous mon ridicule pseudo de blogger :)
