Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Birds of California and Colorado

The smallest raptor: the American Kestrel(Crécerelle)...
and a Peregrine Falcon
close by, a Golden Eagle watches...
a red tail hawk(Buse à queue rousse) landing on a rock.
a Humming bird( oiseau mouche) in our garden
a grey Pelican at Lake Merrit in Oakland
Snowy Egret(Aigrette neigeuse)at the Marina of Berkeley
and her reflexion
Shot from my window, this Cedar Waxing (Jaseur des cèdres) 
I spent hours to shoot this White tail Hawk(Buse à queue blanche...
doing stationary flight to hunt a mouse to  eat
A great Egret lands at the Marina of Berkeley
to catch a small fish
a female Western grebe
suddenly displays...
to attract a male
they dive and come back with the mating weed presentation
At Oakland a Cormorant takes off the lake with a branch 
brings it to the nest...
where mother and baby seat
a beautiful eared Grebe (Grèbe à cou noir)
followed by a Merganser(Bec à Scie)
and a Canvasback(Morillon à dos blanc)
Dowitchers(Bécassins) look for food
watched by a finch (Bruant)
while the oystercatcher searches for food (huitrier)

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Surfing at Santa Cruz

A beautiful coast with stiff cliffs and rocks
Where the cult of surfing came from Australia at the time of long boards
It's better to start surfing on small waves
and be comfortable on bigger ones before...
going after the big waves 
and ride them at Steamer Lane close to the cliff
he glides down the wave and...
and enters the tunnel...
 gets out of it...
to ride the wave...
as close to the cliff as you can go
 a seal watches near by
a sea gull tries to steal mussels from the sea otter(loutre de mer)
and a dare devil jump from the cliff!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Birds of Pantal 2016

The male woodpecker (pivert) guards his nest...
and the female brings food to the babies
Among waterlilies (nenuphars)...
a wattled Jacana picks up his food
a Roseate Spoonbill (Spatule) takes off
then a Black Collared Hawk (Faucon)
a Cocoi Heron dives to the river
to catch a fish
Muscovy ducks watch the action
A Sunbittern contemplates his reflexion
Guida Cuckoo
Orange Back Troupial
a Ringed Kingfisher (Martin Pêcheur)
Black Hooded Parakeets (Perruches)
a Hyacinth Macaw (Ara)
A Rufescent Tiger Heron just caught a fish
Rufus tail Jacamar
a yellow pumped Cacique
a Jabiru stork (cigogne) caught a fish
and brought it to her nest
to feed her 3 young ones
a Toco Toucan gives a look at the food
grabs a piece 
swallows  it...
watched by the chestnut eared Aracari
A purplish jay witness the scene
along the river I look at the human biceps of the iguana
and looked at the Jabiru nest in the sunset