Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Siberian Tigers

I am a Siberian Tiger, the strongest of all big cats with my 300 kilos, 3 meters length and I would kill a lion if it dares showing up.
I have a few good friends....
.. and a kindred.
I live in the woods
and can stand very low temperatures as the -30 of today...
and I am hungry, very hungry....
I keep watching most of the time.
The black lines on my face are my " finger prints"....
each tiger has "his" black lines.
It is mating time and she is on heat now and...
is looking for a beautiful and strong male ... like me!
 She comes and strokes me...
and ask me to follow her....
For a Happy ending!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Tribes: The Bushmen in Botswana

A6000 year old rock art shows that they were hunting big game. They were the largest tribe before the Europeans came to South Africa
Now, persecuted by Europeans and African tribes, only 90000 survive in the desert were nobody else can live.
Their huts are primitive.
Each day, men, women and kids go looking for food because they don't cultivate nor herd cattle.
Mothers carry on their back kids too young to hike for hours

Kids go with the parents to learn how to find roots and seeds
They eat salty little seeds and use them in snares to catch guineafowls
Despite their tough life they are very friendly.....
... beautiful.....
and shy.
They stop every hour or two to start a fire....
To smoke and...
share a pipe...
....and laugh
They help each other
They dig with their stick
to get milkplant roots to eat.
In the evening around a fire...
they sing and clap their hands....
and the next morning, they go again and fetch some food.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Humming Birds / Colibris

As light as a ping pong ball. It is the only bird which can fly backwards and hover in mid air like an helicopter.
A slight change of position can turn a green bird...
into a redish one by refraction of the light on the top layers of the feathers.
They love the nectar of the flowers in the garden.
The female builds a beautiful nest with pieces of lichen glued with spider silk.
They also love the sugared water of this feeder in Costa Rica....
They can have different colors: green and yellow..
or be single colored.
They are so cute that I came back at night, but the feeder was empty because.....
a kinkaju had stolen their sugared water.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Antarctica: Rock Hopper and Macaroni Penguins

Hello! I am a rock hopper and unlike the chinstrap.....
I have beautiful yellow hair
We live in the Falklands and during the nesting season....
we share this colony with albatrosses and cormorants
my cousins, the macaroni also have yellow hair...
... even more than us!
They live in that hilly colony in South Georgiaaption
It is mating and nesting time......
time to look as beautiful and strong as possible...
because in our culture, the female inspects the male...
I look very beautiful!!!
and so strong and...
and I won the bride!