Monday, September 16, 2013

Leopards and Servals from Kenya

Leopards hide and rest in trees
where they hoist their prey like this wildebeest(gnou)
They climb down the tree
using tail and claws
and a great sense of balance
 stealthy predator
the leopard has short legs but is very strong
it walks hidden in tall grass
to go hunting
and watches in the shade...
and yawns...
baring its fangs.
it has a great sense of camouflage
sometimes  stops and looks at you
with a stunning look.
The serval is a miniature leopard..the size of a cat...
but with long legs
it can leap 2 to 3 meters high to catch flying birds
and has a great sense of camouflage
as soon as it sees you...
it runs away and become invisible


  1. Merci de m'avoir fait decouvrir le serval, un animal fort curieux. C'est vrai qu'ils ont un regard de dingue ces leopards!

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